Setting up passwordless PuTTY access to server


Initial setup

You will only need to perform the setup steps in this section once on your Windows client machine. Some of these steps are moderately involved, so please do follow the instructions as closely as possible.

Install PuTTY binaries

  1. Download PuTTY from the official web site.
  2. Unblock the downloaded file:
    1. Locate the file in Windows Explorer in your Downloads folder.
    2. Right-click on the file.
    3. Click Properties.
    4. Click Unblock.
  3. Create a new folder for the downloaded PuTTY binaries, e.g. putty-installation-directory.
  4. Extract the contents of into this folder.

Generate public-private key pair

  1. In Windows Explorer, double-click on PUTTYGEN.EXE in the putty-installation-directory folder to launch PuTTY Key Generator.
  2. In the Parameters section of the main window:
    1. Set Type of key to generate to SSH-2 RSA.
    2. Set Number of bits in a generated key to 2048.
  3. In the Actions section, click Generate.
  4. Wiggle your mouse over the window as per the instructions. This generates lots of nice cryptographically secure random numbers.
  5. Set Key passphrase and Confirm passphrase to a strong passphrase: this is used to protect the private key on your local machine and is never transmitted to the server: the private key file is locally encrypted with this passphrase so that if your computer is compromised, the private key can only be used by someone with knowledge of the passphrase.
  6. Click Save private key, navigate to the folder putty-installation-directory and save your private key with the file name (the name is entirely up to you but the remaining instructions refer to this file name and you'll need to replace occurrences of this name with the name you choose here).
  7. Press Alt+P and Ctrl+C to copy the public key in OpenSSH format, paste this string (using Ctrl+V) into an e-mail and send this e-mail to me.
  8. Close this program and wait for me to install the public key on my server. When this has been done you can proceed to the next step.

Create a shortcut to unlock your private key when you log into Windows

  1. Right-click on the Windows desktop and select New and Shortcut.
  2. Enter putty-installation-directory\PAGEANT.EXE putty-installation-directory\ in the text box under Type the location of the item:.
  3. Click Next.
  4. In the text box under Type a name for this shortcut: enter a name such as Unlock (the name is entirely up to you).
  5. Click Finish.
  6. Drag the newly created shortcut icon onto the Start menu and drop it inside your Startup folder.

Now, whenever you log into Windows you'll be presented with the following prompt:

You should enter the passphrase you chose when you created the private key earlier on. This unlocks the local private key file and decrypts it into memory so that you can use the private key to connect to the server later on in the current Windows log-in session.

Create a shortcut to connect to server with PuTTY

  1. Right-click on the Windows desktop and select New and Shortcut.
  2. Enter putty-installation-directory\PUTTY.EXE user-name@host-fqdn -i putty-installation-directory\ in the text box under Type the location of the item:.
  3. Click Next.
  4. In the text box under Type a name for this shortcut: enter a name such as user-name@host-fqdn (the name is entirely up to you).
  5. Click Finish.
  6. Move this shortcut to the location of your choice.

Install FileZilla

  1. Download FileZilla 3.5.3
  2. Unblock the downloaded file:
    1. Locate the file in Windows Explorer in your Downloads folder.
    2. Right-click on the file.
    3. Click Properties.
    4. Click Unblock.
  3. Create folder filezilla-installation-directory.
  4. Unzip contents of into filezilla-installation-directory.
  5. Open filezilla-installation-directory in Windows Explorer and create a shortcut to filezilla.exe with name FileZilla in a location of your choice.

Configure a FileZilla site for your account

  1. Launch FileZilla using shortcut.
  2. Press Ctrl+S to open Site Manager.
  3. Click New Site.
  4. Enter a name for your site, e.g. user-name@host-fqdn.
  5. Set following values (leave others empty):
  6. Click OK.

Logging into server

You'll need to do this each time you want to connect to the server:

Note that the very first time you attempt to connect to the server from your machine you'll get the following security alert:

This is expected. Please verify that the displayed fingerprint is exactly as given in the example above—this identifies my server to your machine. Click Yes to permanently add this machine to PuTTY's cache. You'll never be prompted with this message again on this machine. If you ever see a window pop up like this, this indicates that the server's signature has changed. You should check with me to see if something odd has happened to the server.

Once you have successfully logged in, you'll see a shell window looking something like the following:

host-name is the host name of my server. As you can see, this server is running Ubuntu 11.04. The default shell is bash, so all the usual Linux commands will work. If you type ls, you'll see you have a www folder. This contains your web site.

Create a shortcut to start an SFTP session with PSFTP

  1. Right-click on the Windows desktop and select New and Shortcut.
  2. Enter putty-installation-directory\PSFTP.EXE user-name@host-fqdn -i putty-installation-directory\ in the text box under Type the location of the item:.
  3. Click Next.
  4. In the text box under Type a name for this shortcut: enter a name such as sftp user-name@host-fqdn (the name is entirely up to you).
  5. Click Finish.
  6. Right-click the shortcut and select Properties.
  7. Enter the initial local directory for SFTP transfers in Start in:.
  8. Move this shortcut to the location of your choice.

This shortcut will start a secure SFTP session over SSH to the server assuming that you have the Pageant authentication agent running already. You can use commands such as lpwd and lcd to view/change the local directory and the usual FTP-style commands to transfer files to/from the server.

Transferring files with FileZilla

  1. Launch FileZilla with your shortcut.
  2. In tool bar, click down arrow next to the Open the Site Manager button.
  3. Select the site (e.g. user-name@host-fqdn) created before.
  4. Transfer files!


A few words of explanation about why I asked you to create two shortcuts are in order: